Technical support
Installation guide video
- Your phone or other device is not charging:
– Make sure that your own USB-C charging cable is working properly. Does it work with a different charger? Is Ez™ Charging Kit working with a different USB-C cable?
– Make sure that Ez™ Power Adapter is connected properly to the wall outlet
– Check if the Ez™ Power Adapter is working properly: is any device charging when plugged directly to the Ez™ Power Adapter via an USB-A cable?
– Check the second Ez™ USB-C Hub: is the problem same using the second Ez™ USB-C hub?
If the problem is persisting, please contact customer service and share information gathered in above steps.
- Your phone or other device is not charging using Ez™ USB-C hub:
– Make sure that your own USB-C charging cable is working properly. Does it work with a different charger? Is Ez™ Charging Kit working with a different USB-C cable?
– Make sure that Ez™ Power Adapter is connected properly to the wall outlet
– Check if the Ez™ Power Adapter is working properly: is any device charging when plugged directly to the Ez™ Power Adapter via an USB-A cable?
– Check if the Ez™ Qi Wireless Charger is working properly
- Your phone or other device is not charging using Ez™ Qi Wireless Charger:
– Make sure that your phone or other device is compatible with Qi wireless chargers
– Make sure that Ez™ Qi Wireless Charger is pushed to the end into the furniture top
– Make sure there is no metal parts between the phone and Ez™ Wireless Charger: i.e. metal plate for magnetic car holders, NFC shield etc.
– Make sure there is no interference caused by your phone protector – remove the protector and place your phone on top of Ez™ Qi Wireless Charger
– Make sure that Ez™ Power Adapter is connected properly to the wall outlet
– Check if Ez™ Power Adapter is working properly: is any device charging when plugged directly to the Ez™ Power Adapter via an USB-A cable?
– Check if the Ez™ USB-C Hub is working properly: is the device charging using the USB-C cable?
If the problem is persisting, please contact customer service and share information gathered in above steps.